Home Learning
This page will be updated weekly with resources and activities, during our school closure or a period of isolation by pupils.
Don't forget to stay safe online too!
Useful Websites
www.twinkl.com/offer : enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS to get free access to the resources.
https://whiterosemaths.com/ : They are currently putting together home learning packs for parents to access.
https://play.fisher-price.com/en_GB/index.html : Some lovely activities and games for Early Years.
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/ : A range of reading games and activities.
https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub : Some fantastic fun games and activities all about space.
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ : A wide range of educational games and resources for all ages.
https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/ : Sign up for FREE to access some fantastic learning resources.
https://nrich.maths.org/ : A website dedicated to providing a higher level of maths challenge.
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ : A fantastic website to support children with their phonics. Login: Username: march20 Password: home
January 2021
Home Learning will also be added on to Seesaw for year one and two. If you require a login for this please get in touch with school from Monday 4th January . We will then get a log in sent out to you asap.
Year One
Week 1 - Week Beginning 04.01.2021
Monday: counting to 100
Follow this link to have some fun whilst counting to 100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgLtF3PMOc
Today we are going to learn how to read an analogue clock when the minute hand (the long hand) is on the 12. This means it is __ o'clock. We have to look at the hour hand (the short hand) to know the hour that has just begun. Look at the attached PowerPoint for a further explanation with some examples. And then complete the activity that is attached. The 2 questions at the end (what would the hour before/after be) are quite tricky so may need some adult support. Have fun, Year 1!
Tuesday: counting forwards/backwards
Enjoy playing this game and see how high you can count! :-) https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/whackAMole/index.html
Year 1, you did so well yesterday with reading o' clock on an analogue clock - remember to keep looking at clocks around your home now and see if you can spot when it is ___ o' clock. Today you are going to learn how to read o' clock AND half past on an analogue clock. Read the PowerPoint attached and look at the examples given. Then have a go at the questions provided
Wednesday: numbers up to 20
We spent Autumn term ensuring the children were secure with numbers up to 10. We are now going to begin looking at numbers beyond 10 - up to 20!
Look at this song on YouTube -
It explains that the "teen numbers" all have one group of ten and then shows how many ones each number has. Look at the PowerPoint that has numbers 11-20 shown using different concrete resources. The children would've spent a few lessons exploring these resources and 'making the numbers' with a big focus on the language being used - "12 has 1 group of ten and 2 ones" etc. You could use some objects from home to 'make' the teen numbers first. E.g. you could tie 10 pieces of spaghetti together to make the group of ten, group 10 socks together to make the group of ten etc. Then have a go at the sheet that is attached - what number is shown?
Thursday: numbers up to 20
Join in with this song again -
Today you are going to show your understanding using part + part = whole diagrams and by answering some questions by 'visualising' the group of ten. Look at the PowerPoint attached for more explanations and examples.
Friday: numbers up to 20
You have very nearly finished ONE WHOLE week of home learning - you are doing amazing! We hope you're still looking at the clocks around your home and looking for o' clock and half past times!
Today you are going to show your understanding of Place Value with numbers up to 20 using addition. E.g. 10 + 1 = 11 10 + 2 = 12 10 + 3 = 13 etc.
Look at the examples on the PowerPoint which you can find in the box below!
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Monday: The Gruffalo's Child
Get your brain warmed up - Play this phonics game and click on 'phase 3'. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Go through the PowerPoint and listen to the story The Gruffalo's Child. There are questions on there which you can talk through with an adult. After that you can complete the attached activity sheet - create a WANTED poster for the BIG BAD MOUSE!!
Tuesday: The Gruffalo's Child
Get your brain warmed up first- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/fishy-phonics?phase=2
You all did so well yesterday with your posters, we thought that today you could find some more information from the story. Listen to The Gruffalo's Child again and see if you can work out who said what in the story. Then see if you can think of your own sentences for what the characters may have said in each picture. You may want to ask your adult to write some of the words for you.
Wednesday: The Gruffalo's Child
Today in English, you are going to write a book review! That means you will talk about your ideas and opinions for the book The Gruffalo's Child. I wonder how many stars you will rate this book? Have fun!
Thursday: The Gruffalo's Child
Get your brains warmed up with this game- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
Click on phase 2 or 3.
You are all doing so well with the story, The Gruffalo's Child, today we are going to have some fun with some rhyming words from the story.
Friday: Handwriting
Today in English, you are going to practice some handwriting!
Start off by doing this warm up;
Then, follow the slides to practice some letters :) All you will need today is a pencil and some lined paper.
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Learning Journey:
Monday: Seasons
Good morning everyone, we've decided to hold off starting our new topic 'Commotion in the Ocean' until we are all back together in school, so that we can share our spectacular start together! In the meantime, for our learning journey work we will set work that we had planned as part of our continuous provision (things we have to cover in Y1 but they could fit anywhere throughout the academic year) This week, we'll kick start the new year off with Seasonal Changes. We've attached a PPT for you to go through to learn about the seasons and then want you to create a Season Wheel. Make your own Season Wheel by following these instructions: 1. For each season, draw a picture of the weather. 2. If you can, think of an event that happens in each season. It could be a celebration, a holiday or an important occasion, like a birthday. Add it to your wheel. 3. Add small arrows to your wheel to show which way the seasons go. 4. Carefully cut out your wheel. If you don't have a printer to print off the template, ask an adult to grab a dinner plate and you can draw round that to get you started.
Tuesday: Seasons/Weather
You will need to use this link to watch some weather forecasts in preparation for today's lesson http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/videos/#?tab=features What do we know about weather? Think about what we already know about weather and look at how weather forecasters tell us what weather to expect. Start by looking at the weather symbols, colour them in and then draw something in the box next to it that you would need for that symbol e.g: find the rain cloud -> colour it in -> then draw an umbrella. With an adult or an older sibling, talk about the 'Weather Observing Questions' and discuss today's weather. Use the link above to watch a weather forecast. Explore making your own forecasts about the weather where you live, using the weather symbols. I have included some for you, but are there any used by the forecaster that you could use too? Upload your weather videos onto seesaw :o)
Wednesday: Seasons/Animals in Winter
WALT: I can explain how some animals adapt in winter.
Children remind themselves of what they have learnt about the weather in winter. Children to think about the changes humans make in winter to adapt to changes in the weather and conditions. Discuss how we do things differently in the winter to adapt to the weather, such as wearing warmer clothes, turning the heating on, having more lights on and possibly eating different types of food. Also discuss what happens in the evenings (that it get darker earlier than it does in the summer). Ask children to think about how animals might adapt in the winter and share ideas Explain the strategies different animals use to survive winter. Ask children if they know any animals which do any of these things. Discuss why animals do this and what would happen if they didn’t. Go through the slides and discuss which animals do which things to survive. ACTIVITY: i) Children match the animals with what they do in the winter. ii) Children to research and draw an animal from each category and write a brief sentence to explain what they do in winter.
Thursday: Seasons/Winter to Spring
Recap the names of the four seasons. Go through the information on the Lesson Presentation and discuss some of the changes which happen in the spring. Look at the table. What do children notice about the average number of hours of daylight during the spring? Are children able to tell you how many hours of daylight there are in spring? How do these compare with the numbers of hours of daylight in the winter? If the days in the spring are longer then encourage children to think about what happens to the nights. Do children know what happens to the nights in spring? Children use the 'Changes Around Us' Activity Sheet to record what the trees look like and the clothes people wear in spring.
EXTENSION: Fancy mixing maths with science?... Have a go at creating a pictogram to represent the number of daylight hours in different seasons. A pictogram is a way of showing information using pictures. Either print and cut out the template included or feel free to create your own version :o)
FRIDAY: Seasons
Read through the short text attached below and then complete the activities that follow.
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Week 1: Think Happy
This unit is designed to help children recognise, talk about and accept their feelings, both positive and negative, as well as how to manage certain emotions. The lessons support themes of thinking positively and calmly, making good decisions and developing resilience. It also encourages the children to explore the positive feelings associated with being thankful, grateful and mindful. Lesson 1: I can understand how happy thoughts can make me feel good. Go through the slides with an adult. Listen to this story and how the child in the story feels. See if you can find a positive thought to write on your cloud, looking for the good in the situation, instead of focusing on the bad.
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Joe Wicks has announced his return of Live P.E lessons from Monday 11th January. Lessons will be every Mon, Wed, Fri 9am live on his YouTube channel -https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Who's up for some yoga?... Follow the link to step into Sonic’s sneakers and find out how it feels to be the coolest hedgehog in the universe, and learn how important it is for us all to balance our super sonic energy levels with plenty of peace, rest and calm.
Year Two
Week 1 - Week Beginning 04.01.2021
Monday: 2 times tables
Follow this link to the Coconut Multiples game and select 'x2' on the options. How many multiples of 2 can you identify? After the game, have a go at some of the times table activities on this sheet title 'Monday 2 times table'. Deeper activity 'Activity cards - the 2 times table'.
Tuesday: 5 times tables
Follow this link to the Hit the Button game and select 'x5' on the options. How many questions can you answer correctly? Remember you can count your 5s on your fingers to check! After the game have a go at some of the activities on the sheet titled 'Tuesday - 5 times table'. Deeper activity 'Tuesday - Deeper 5 times table.'
Wednesday: 10 times tables
Follow the link to ICT games website. Click on 'Maths Games' then scroll down till you find the game called 'table tennis' in the multiplication and division section then select 10 times table and click 'go'! This game can be played as a two player. Following the game have a go at the activities on the sheet 'Wednesday - 10 times table'. Deeper activity 'Wednesday - Deeper 10 times table.'
Thursday: 3 times tables
Counting in 3s will be new to most of us. To help us get started open the interactive 100 square. Use the colours on the left hand side to highlight all of the multiples of 3. What do you notice? Talk it through with an adult. Following this, have a go at the activities below: 'Thursday - 3 times table'
Friday: problem solving challenge
Now it's time to apply all you have learned and practiced this week! Choose any of the games from the previous days, or try a new one. Then have a go at the activities on the sheet titled 'Friday Challenges'. Good luck!
Additional: If you have access to a printer you could have a go at making the 'Times Table Spinners' (added below). They are really helpful in helping us remember our times tables.
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Monday: Phase 4 - consonant blends
Today we have some phonics board games for you to play. You can still play these on a tablet or laptop if you are unable to print them. You will need a dice and some counters. Instructions are on the activity sheets below.
Tuesday: Phase 4 - consonant blends
"I spy with my little eye..." Using the sheets attached below can you read the word and then find the matching object? There are five different sheets to choose from, all titled 'I Spy and Read ..'
Wednesday: Phase 4 - Reading and understanding sentences
Read the whole sentence. What does it say? Which picture card matches the sentence?
Thursday: Phase 4 - consonant blends
Blast off! There are different ways to do this game. You can follow the instructions on the activity and use a dice and counters. Or, you can time yourself and see how long it take you to read all of the words. Another option is to set yourself a time limit and see how many words you can read in the set amount of time.
Friday: Obb and Bob
Follow this link to the Phonics Play website to the 'Picnic on Pluto' game. Click on 'Enter', select 'Phase 4' and then choose an option from the list. When a word appears decide if it is real or nonsense. Real words need to be fed to Bob and nonsense words need to go to Obb. Have fun!
Additional: We have also attached a weekly Power Point with revision activities for each day. Alongside this there is also a recap Power Point with all of the phase 3 and phase 5 on.
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Please note - if you do not have a printer it is not a problem, jot your work down on a piece of paper using the templates provided as a guide!
Monday: Winter Walk
Well, it certainly has looked and felt a lot more wintery over the Christmas holidays! Today we would like you to take a winter walk and tick off all the items you spot on the 'winter walk' worksheet click here. If you spot any other wintery items on your walk that aren't on your sheet, note them down and let us know! When you get back from your walk, write a sentence to describe on of the things you saw - where was it? Did you see more than one? How would you describe it? We can't wait to see how many things you spot on your walk! Enjoy :)
Tuesday: Winter Pros and Cons
Take a look at the ‘What Happens in Winter’ PowerPoint here. Discuss things you have already done this winter with your family. For example, Christmas, New Year, playing in the snow etc. And the things you may have noticed such as bare trees, robins, less sunlight, it's colder etc. Is there anything that is more difficult when it’s winter and bad weather? For example, harder to travel, things may get damaged in storms, hard for animals to find food and so on. Today's task is to note down the pros and cons of winter on the sheet provided here. We are very interested to see what your ideas are and what you think is good and bad about winter.
Wednesday: Design a Snowman
Lots of you agreed with us that playing in the snow was one of the most fun things to do in the winter. There's so much you can do like sledging, snow ball fights, making snow angels and probably the most popular is making a snowman! Today we would like you to draw your ideal snowman (or snow woman!) including everything you would use and accessorise it with if you had the chance. Once your design is complete, please label as much of your drawing as you can. Focus on writing your labels as neatly as you can and adding some adjectives (describing words) too such as 'soft, woolly hat' or 'bright, red scarf'. We look forward to seeing your designs :)
Thursday: SNOW DAY Acrostic Poem
Today we would like you to think about all of the fun things you can do on a snow day, such as snow ball fights, sledging and building snowmen. We want you to use these ideas to create your own acrostic poem about a snow day. Read the PowerPoint here which explains all about acrostic poems and gives some examples of how to do them. Then use this template here to write your own. We are really excited to read them!
Friday: Winter Senses
Take a look at the PowerPoint called 'Winter Senses' here. Discuss with your family what things you can see, hear, feel, taste and smell in winter. Then write and/or draw these into the worksheet here. You could even go for another walk and focus on the senses as you go, noticing all the things you can see, hear, feel, taste and smell.
March - December 2020
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Year One
Year Two
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English year-2_week-1_day-5.pdf | Download |
GEOGRAPHY-continent-fact-sheet-europe.pdf | Download |
PHONICS -revision-booklets-level-5-book-1_ver_3.pdf | Download |
PHONICS phase-5-phonics-activity-booklet-cursive.pdf | Download |
PHONICS-phase-5-tricky-words-activity-booklet-_ver_3.pdf | Download |
PSHE Y2-home-learning-being-a-good-friend-activity-sheet WEEK 1.pdf | Download |
PSHE Y2-home-learning-showing-i-care-activity-sheet WEEK 2.pdf | Download |
RE-home-learning-task-WEEK 1.pdf | Download |
RE-home-learning-task-WEEK 2.pdf | Download |
y2-week-1-day-1 maths.pdf | Download |
Check out these great ideas for non-screen based activities. How many can you complete at home?
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